Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sugaring Season

March is maple sugar season in New England and beyond so what better way to spend a sunny, springy day than with a drive up north to Gould’s Maple Sugarhouse in Shelburne, Massachusetts

It’s a quiet day on the Mohawk Trail and the air around the farmhouse is crisp and faintly sweet as the smoke from the boiler rises into the morning sunshine. Gould’s, in the maple business for six generations, is usually mobbed during peak sugaring season with families sampling soft-serve maple ice cream and maple sugar candies. Today, however, we lucked out and were able to get a sun-drenched table with a beautiful view of the mountains beyond as soon as we walked into the upstairs restaurant.

Serving a modest breakfast and lunch, Gould’s of course encourages that you douse everything with homemade maple syrup.

Crispy corn fritters and a Belgian waffle topped with ice cream were a great way to start to a lazy day with nothing to do and no where to be.

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